Velexi Outreach

STEM skills are developed and maintained through practice. To help prepare the next generation of thinkers and problem solvers, we provide research/practicum opportunities (older students) and enrichment/exploration activities (younger students).

Internship and Mentorship Opportunities

Velexi offers STEM internship/mentorship opportunities to interested and dedicated students. Through hands-on projects, participants will gain experience in the following areas:
  • understanding and thinking deeply about an academic problem;
  • cross-disciplinary thinking;
  • defining a concrete project;
  • maintaining project focus and avoiding "scope creep";
  • dealing with obstacles, failed attempts, and "evolution of understanding";
  • leveraging existing "ecosystems" to efficiently progress towards project goals;
  • project-driven learning (in contrast to class-driven learning); and
  • technical communication (e.g., written and oral communication of project progress, ad-hoc technical discussions, project summary reports and presentations).
For more information, contact Kevin Chu.

Velexi Research Scholars

The Velexi Research Scholars program aims to provide high school and college students with an opportunity to gain research and development experience in a setting that is part way between academic and industrial. Projects typically focus on an interesting academic problem that (1) originate from industrial challenges or (2) may have industrial relevance.

Velexi STEM Practicum

The Velexi STEM Practicum program aims to provide high school and college students with an opportunity to technical development experience in an industrial setting. Projects typically focus on development of tools intended for (1) internal use at Velexi or (2) release as open-source projects.